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Showing posts with label CONCEPTIONARTSHOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONCEPTIONARTSHOW. Show all posts

Weekend Vibes!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Hey y'all! Soooo since the weekend is approaching I'm going to share what I did last weekend. It was one of the best weekends that I've had in a long time! I feel a really big positive change coming my way soon. I'm not sure what it is but I'm excited and nervous about it! This weekend showed me that I have to continue to live in the moment and enjoy my life everyday! 
This past Saturday was my best friend Shari's first art show! She is a freelance artist that also does custom artwork and mobile art sessions. Her work is awesome and you can check it out on her website , her Instagram is @creativeoncanvas_ ,and here's her Facebook. So to start the weekend I volunteered myself to help her setup because I always invade her life lol. She picked me up at about 1pm or so, we were supposed to have left to go to the show by then but of course I was running a little behind because life ( wife and mommy duties). 😊 
We finally left and made it to the venue (Spindletap Brewery) where they we're hosting the Conception Arts show. We had enough time to setup her booth, grab a bite to eat and I took lots of photos before the show began. There were so many talented artist at the show and I may be bias but I would say that my bestfriend was one of the best! Everyone was so different and showed so much passion for their work. It was so exciting and breath taking to be in the room with so many different and incredibly talented individuals.

 My husband was able to come and enjoy himself, he doesn't get out much because he works A LOT so it was good to see him doing something other than work! Shari had a great turn out of support from her family and friends, sold some of her artwork and even signed up a few people for her mobile art sessions. It really was a great day! Afterwards we had a late dinner at Waffle House, recapped the day and my husband and I picked up our little one. I really couldn't be more happy and excited for Shari! ( I love you bestie congrats again)!

 So on Sunday some of my siblings and I went to the Houston Rodeo with our kids and we had so much fun! The best part was the food! We literally had almost one of everything we each bought something and shared with one another. We had a corn dog, funnel cake, and huge hot dog, chili cheese fries, fried oreos, a turkey leg, sausage on a bun and strawberry lemonade it was pretty good! I made sure to eat pretty well all week so that I could indulge in the food lol After eating we walked around, got on rides and played games. I even ran into to my friend Ashley.
When we were done for the night we took a long walk back to our cars and went back to my moms to have Sunday dinner we all ate again believe it or not! Dinner was really good as usual (thanks mom). That was my weekend and I got to spend it with some of the closest people to my heart and I couldn't be happier! Do you have any plans for the weekend? If so I hope you enjoy yourself! We're taking our little one to a birthday party.... Happy Friday!

Here's some photos from the weekend.

Until next time,
Courtney B 💋

Shari and I

Shari @ her art booth

 Shari's art work

My husband and I at the art show

my sister Ashley eating a turkey leg

Zoe in her cousins cowgirl hat

My brother Nick with my hot dog

My best friend Alisha my brother and I

My best friend Alisha with fried oreos

My niece Ava in her cowgirl hat

Nick with chili cheese fries

The whole gang!